Get the look
Shop all the
good stuff!
From the sparkly-new lighting, to the stylishly-customized sofa,
a St. Louis artist's masterpiece, or that fabulous vintage find...
We've got you covered.
Know This First
Ways to Shop:
Shop Online
Want convenience? You can shop in your pj's online with our designer accounts' websites, and shoot us an email of any items that perk your interest and you want further pricing info about. Or if you need to see/touch/feel in-person, our showroom is open during the week as well as our Warehaus that's open by appointment-only. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook to not miss out on flash deals of items on-hand!
[email protected] / @warehausbynistenhaus
Shop the Showroom
Come visit! Open Monday-Friday 10am-5pm*
2118 Cherokee Street, St. Louis, MO 63118
*We may be infrequently closed for private events. You may call ahead if you wish before your visit 314-553-9245 just to make sure.
Attached to our design studio, this is where the magic happens for our design-project clients. A lovely mix of vintage, new, local artwork, and furniture pieces fills the space.
Shop The Warehaus
Located in the Historic Lemp Brewery, we expanded to have even more room for furniture, local art, and vintage items! At this time, the Warehaus is by appointment only. Keep an eye out on the Warehaus's instagram for current items for sale.
To make an appointment, call 314-553-9245.
3412 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118
[email protected] / @warehausbynistenhaus

Our Vendors:
To see the quality, feel, and touch sample items from these vendors, plan a visit to our Showroom & Warehaus. There are many of our favorite items we've curated to show in-person, but there's no way to show is all on the floor, so shop online and see sooo much more!
Email us on any items you find below that you would like more information and our pricing on.
[email protected]